" Bien reçu! De la bombe ! "

Romain, KLB

" L'équipe de l'orga était ravie quand je leur ai dit qu'un de nos nouveaux partenaires s'appelait Force ultimate. On est tous super content de la qualité de votre taf ! "

Guillaume, BlackBeast

" I received my parcel, thank you. I liked the quality and material of shorts. "

Mariia, Edmonton

" Hello there, jerseys arrived this morning. They all look savage, well done! "

Brian, Coláiste/Gaelcholáiste Choilm Ultimate

" Thank you so much for all your help, we'll definitely be using Force again "

Josh, Warwick Lumbearjacks

" J'ai bien reçu les colis, merci, les kits sont magnifiques :-D "

Sylvain, PUC Ultimate

" The Jaketas have just arrived in Freiburg. Great timing: the first person flys out for WUCC on Tuesday. They look great and feel nice when worn. "

Arne , Disconnection Freiburg

" Yesterday we had our first practice in the new kits! They're awesome and thanks a lot for all the work and the nice communication! If we ever need a new batch, we know who to contact. "

Joël, Zuidema

" Amazing, thank you so much for accommodating our request for a quick process. "

Eivind, Ekeberg Sendeplateklubb

" Encore merci pour les maillots Everest ! Tout le monde adore la matière et les finitions sont top. "

Clément, Everest

" Thanks again for the awesome support now that we've almost completed everything! It has been an amazing experience so far with great customer service :) maybe I'll send you a first teampicture from this weekend soon! Best wishes "

Torben, U24 Germany

" Jerseys arrived and they look great. Kids are very pleased and we have gotten compliments from others who have seen them so thank you very much. We love them and expect to be coming back your way for the next few seasons "

Andrew, Henry Sibley Warriors

" Merci pour la rapidité !! Toujours aussi efficaces. "

Fred, Friz'bistontins

" I'd like to thank you so much for putting up with the many, many requests and edits. I'm really pleased with how it looks and cannot wait to wear it and play in it. Your patience as we strove towards the perfect design was impeccable, thank you for letting us go backwards and forwards until we were happy. "

Roy, Ursa Major

" Just wanted to let you know that we received the jerseys a few weeks ago. They look fantastic. Just letting you know that we are planning on getting another order in in the next month or so. Look forward to working with you again. "

Conor, 66 Ultimate

" Merci pour les maillots et le drapeau ils étaient top !!!! Voilà quelques photos si tu veux pour ton site web ou facebook ;-) "

Jérémie, SWEC

" Merci pour ce merveilleux colis qui nous est arrivé la semaine passée!! On est contents et fiers de les avoir! "

Thibault, Flying Rabbits

" We'd like to thank you again for your support during last year’s 'Bearnefactor Cup' Charity Tournament. The auction was a huge success thanks to your kind donations. We raised just over £1,600 for Dementia UK. [...] Having Force continually help our fundraising has meant a lot to us. "

Ka Tsung Wong, Warwick Bears Ultimate Frisbee Club

" They arrived today and they look amazing. Thank you for making it possible and meeting our wishes perfectly. We are looking forward wearing the sunhoodies at worlds. And, for sure, we try to take some photos and send them to you. "

Bianca, Germany U24 Women

" Thanks @forcesportswear!! We'll obviously be looking super fly in our awesome Force jerseys #ultimatenetherlands "

Dutch National Women

" Déjà tout le club est très content des maillots! Le design plait, la coupe aussi, jusque là donc tout va bien! Et les autres équipes nous ont aussi fait des compliments c'est vraiment agréable. Merci donc, c'était un gros boulot "

Jérémie, Ah Ouh Puc

" Just letting you know we've received our kit and we absolutely love them! "

Gill, Horizon

" Maillots bien reçu, ils sont géniaux on est super content! La photo d'équipe arrive bientôt. "

Marti, Roundnet Paris

" I just wanted to pass on thanks from myself, our captain and the rest of the team for everything you've done and we're all really excited about this! "

Adam, Trevs Ultimate

" Je vous envoie ce mail pour vous informer que j'ai bien reçu les maillots et vous remercier pour votre professionnalisme et la qualité des maillots qui est juste top!! "

Thomas, Side Effect

" Thanks a lot for the beautiful kits, the flag and the goodies! The design came out great like this, I really love the vivid colours while it is still very close to our old kits. "

Lotte, Flow Amsterdam

" Bien réceptionné, hâte de jouer sous nos couleurs :D "

Sébastien, Roundnet'z'ala

" The gear has arrived! My kids are very pleased to have their own official Swamp Dragon shirts (and so am I, for that matter). Thanks, it was nice working with you "

Aimee, Swamp Dragon

" Merci pour votre taff, et la qualité des produits, je coachais l'équipe universitaire d'Oslo l'année dernière, je les ai fait commandés les nouveaux maillots chez vous, on en est tous content. :) A bientôt "

Alexandre, Jack’suns + Oslo

" Here you go! We got so much attention and everyone loved the uniform! Thank you! "

Mathias, Air Force Disc

" Nous venons de recevoir les maillots! Ils ont vraiment de la gueule. Que la FORCE soit avec vous pour cette année 2016 "


" Merci pour votre professionnalisme tout le long de la commande vous avez été super les maillots sont parfaits. "

Rémy, Mines d'Alés

" I wanted to thank you for all your hard work and patience with the design of the kit. Working with you has been delightful. I am so very excited about wearing our kit! "

Flea, Robot

" Just wanted to say thanks a lot again for all your help with designing and making our team kit. Everyone on the team loves the design and we had a great tournament this weekend. "

Ollie, Smash'D

" Just to say that I received our kit order last week, and it looks awesome! Thanks from The View. "

Graeme, The View

" Two team pictures with our new kits last weekend! Used and approved, we are still undefeated in them 6 for 6, so no complaints from our part :) Thanks a lot for the awesome service you guys provide, and nice work you guys delivered! On behalf of all the Karolingers, Thanks! "

Arthur, De Karolingers

" Thanks a lot for being so easy to work and communicate with "

Anne , 7 Todsünden

" Thank you so much for your fantastic service again! I have no doubt we will be placing another order come 2015 as our team is expanding at a great speed. "

James, Pingu Jam

" Thank you so much for this. The logo design turned out even better than we could've hoped and you redid the design work to fit what we imagined! "

Gabe, E-VILLE, Siue

" Vous proposez des prix très attractifs sur des produits français, ça fait plaisir. "

Bastien, Beach Volley Nantes Rezé

" I will definitely hear from you later, but once again, thanks again for the perfect service you guys provide! All the best! "

Arthur, De Karolingers

" Awesome! Thank you so much! It was a pleasure working with you again this year. "

Mason, Vanderbilt Armada

" Un grand merci pour votre travail sur les maillots. Ils sont top. On apprécie vraiment la qualité et le design ! "

Pierre, Royale Tartine

" Just got my jersey. Haven't had a chance to wear it yet, but I like how it looks and especially the feel of the material. I'm a fan. Thanks! "

Alex, Wheaton

" La commande est bien arrivée à temps. Nos nouveaux joueurs ont pu jouer avec leur maillots. Merci beaucoup pour l'effort fait ! "

Yannick, Frisbee Piscenois

" Thanks for the great help and support with the design. Force is really outstanding on this. I look forward to do business again. "

Pål, Yippee kai-yay Looosers

" We received your package a few weeks back and we would like to let you know that we are satisfied with all the gear, so thanks a lot for that. I also wanted to thank you for the extra snoods! "

Raoul, Force Elektro

" I'm currently a Rebel Ultimate player and UCC Ultimate player in Cork, Ireland. Myself and these two clubs have been delighted with the kit you've provided us with over the past two years. I also enjoyed wearing the Irish U23 kit in Toronto as well. Awesome stuff. "

Micheál, Rebel/UCC Ultimate

" As I am guessing you have seen from twitter the kit has arrived. I am extremely pleased with the kit. It looks amazing. Thank you very much for your hard work. "

Matthew, AA

" Whaowww, je trouve le design et les couleurs exceptionnelles. Un grand merci et bon WE. "

Gilles, UFO Arradon

" I received the Sunhoodies. They are looking great! Thanks for the quick and uncomplicated communication. "

Nils, Germany U24 Open

" I'd just like the thank you on behalf of the club for the lovely gear you provided which arrived in time for our tournament. As start up club we did very well with out first team finishing fifth ! It was great to see Ballincollig playing as a club with new kit. "

Bryan, Ballingcollig Ultimate

" Qui dit nouvelle saison en cours, dit nouvelle commande de maillots. Un grand merci à Force Sportswear d'avoir assuré la commande ! On est super content.e.s de nos maillots "

Aurelie, SAM Roller Derby

" Salut, j'ai reçu ma tenue hier, j'ai eu le temps de l'essayer, de recevoir des compliments et je l'adore ! Hâte d'essayer ma prochaine tenue chez vous ! "

Kadoc, Youltima

" The kits arrived and we are super happy with the result! They look awesome. Thanks for the good service! We’ll be back. "

Jolien, Freespect

" On a personal note I just wanted to say I think the kit looks fantastic, so a massive thanks to you all for the design. "

Alex, Southampton City Ultimate

" Thanks for sending over the design - it looks fantastic that is exactly how I would like it to look! "

Cameron, Astro Dodgeball

" Thank you so much for the kit, it is awesome :D so awesome infact that some of our international students who have joined the team for this semester want some. "

Louise, Roehampton University

" I'm Marlene from a Team in Passau, Germany: Puff. 2 years ago (2015 or january february 2016) we ordered new uniforms from your store and we are still very happy. "

Marlene, Puff

" Thanks for all of your help with this, you guys are awesome and the design work is ace. "

Jordan, Shake & Bake

" Merci encore ! C'était un plaisir de bosser avec vous, on fera certainement une commande de réassort en fin d'année et sinon on se reparlera certainement pour une nouvelle saison de maillots dans quelques années ;) "

Michaël, Good Vibes

" We have really appreciated your excellent customer service throughout the ordering process and the kit is exactly as specified. I will be sure to recommend Force to our next committee and my friends in the UK Ultimate world. "

Chris, Sheffield Ultimate

" Everything looks amazing, I could never have imagined a result this great when we started this process! A big thank you for all the great work!!! Holding the shirts and seeing them in the mirror was a magical feeling "

Anders, Swedish Ultimate Federation

" Un grand merci a l'équipe Force, carton arrivé dans les temps. Vous gérez, merci a vous. "

Dgé, La Ligue Bretagne

" Merci pour l'envoi des maillots. Les joueurs sont super contents du design et on a de bonnes remarques de la part des autres équipes. C'est cool. "

Antoine, Les Manchots

" Les maillots sont top! Merci beaucoup, ce sont exactement les motifs et les couleurs que nous attendions. Encore bravo. "

Sebastien, Dahultimate

" Received the kit last Wednesday and was absolutely delighted with it! Thank you so much and we hope to do business in the future!! "

Conor, B.C.S Ultimate

" Just letting you know kit has arrived and the team love it. Thank you for sorting it all. "

James, Hulltimate

" 1000 Thanks to Force. We got our Shirts on time for the Swiss Champions Chips last Weekend. All Players are really happy with it. GREAT WORK FORCE! "

Kim, Headless Ultimate

" The kit arrived the day before our team photo and I was able to hand it out on the day. Everyone is very happy with it! Thank you again. "

Claire, Van Mildert Ultimate

" Thanks for the awesome kit that we ordered a couple of months back, it truly is brilliant quality! Many thanks. "

Joel, Labrador Reflex

" [The design] looks great: you’ve managed to satisfy a team of very picky engineers which is really impressive! "

Catherine, Durham University Solar Car Team

" The order arrived today! We are very happy with them. "

Ivan, Dublin Hema

" We received our order today and on behalf of the Ninja Frispeas, I would like to thank you and the rest of the Force Crew for all of your help - we absolutely love our new kit so once again, thanks for doing such a great job! "

Ronit, Ninja Frispeas

" Colis reçu aujourd'hui à une semaine de la compétition. Tout est ok, merci et bonne continuation. "

Frédéric, Dragonfly Ploeren

" They arrived today and they look amazing. Thank you for making it possible and meeting our wishes perfectly. We are looking forward wearing the sunhoodies at worlds. "

Bianca, Germany U24 Woman

" Bonjour, merci pour l'envoi du colis. Les maillots ont été distribués hier. Gros succès auprès des gens du club mais aussi des autres joueurs venus de toute la nouvelle Aquitaine. "

Franck, Disc Golf Mimizan

" Thanks so much for sorting out my mess, apologies again for the inconvenience! Honestly the process could not have gone any better after my mistake, so thank you again. "

Elizabeth, Durham

" Jerseys received today - look great! Many thanks. "

Paul, Gonzaga College

" Bonjour, je viens de recevoir le coli et je vous remercie pour la rapidité et la qualité du produits. Merci beaucoup et à bientôt pour de nouveaux achats "

Antoine, LMX

" Just wanted to let you know that the parcel arrived in time before Christmas. The kits look stunning, really, really good! The sweets and Christmas card were a nice touch as well. Overall very impressed and happy with you guys :) "

Adrian, Stephenson College

" Thanks so much for all of your creativity, prompt action, and hard work. The jerseys look great and as somebody once said and I agree: 'Half of playing sweet is looking sweet.' "

Kevin, Chad Larson Experience

" All the kit has turned up and looks awesome. Thank you for everything, you guys have been great and I can't wait to play and showcase it at WUCC '14. "

Mez, Blue Arse Flies

" Kit arrived this morning, thank you so much!! Absolutely love it, design is great and the quality is superb. All the boys love it, we can’t thank you enough! "

James, Dinomite

" Just to say that the sleeves have arrived and I'll be giving them to people this evening. Thanks for all your help with the order, I'm very pleased with how they came out! "

Iain, London Storm Dodgeball

" Commande bien reçue hier, les maillots sont top et le nouveau modèle... un régal! Merci pour les chocolats et le travail accompli. Bonnes fêtes à toute l'équipe Force ! "

Sébastien, Dahultimate

" Kit arrived safe and sound, it looks great! "

Eric, Too Much Slack

" That mock-up is absolutely fantastic! It's perfect and is a great representation of what I was hoping for. "

Gavin, WIT Ultimate

" I thought I might include some of the comments my team made when I showed them this design: OMG this is awesome! Oh man they look so sick!!!!! Wow, this is just... Wow. Force have outdone themselves. Thanks again. "

Garath, Ministers of Justice

" Best wishes and thanks for the amazing service once again. "

Stefan, Spin Doctors

" Encore merci pour cette belle commande. "

Frédéric, UDA Ploeren

" The kit arrived the other day and it looks amazing!! "

Aidan , Durham Hat 2022

" That mock-up looks absolutely amazing thanks, exactly what we were hoping for. "

Amos, Mwinci See

" J'ai bien reçu les maillots et tout est parfait. Merci et à la prochaine. "

Sylvain, Manges Disques

" We would like to carry on using Force as our kit provider, as everyone this year loved the new kit, and we see no reason to change when we have a nice relationship with you. "

Charlie , Hull University

" We ironmanned outdoor regionals with 6 people and think that the kit had some part to play in our top 10 finish. Thank you for the kit! Its gone down a treat amongst the team. "

Matt, Chichester Cobras

" I'd like to inform you that we have received our previous order from you, and we are as happy as always! We'll be very happy to make new orders from you. "

Maxence, Leeds University

" Jerseys arrived safely today. Great job as always but the orange one looks IMMENSE! The silhouette really pops out, can't wait to give it out tomorrow. I think we might be ordering some away shirts from you! "

Matt, Portsmouth Dodgers

" Hi Force, thought I’d share our team photo with the wonderful kit we recently received smoothly and just in time for the tournament. Got a lot of positive comments back from the team and other teams so a big thanks from me for an excellent end product. "

Chris Farman, Floppy Disk

" SO excited for our Burla kit - currently mid-collaboration with Force who are SO GOOD AT THEIR JOB oh my word! #swag "

Serena, OW

" Well bloody hell, that kit looks glorious. Thank you so much! "

Jordan, Shake & Bake

" The jersey arrived and looks fantastic. Thank you guys again for all your work, and have a wonderful rest of your week! "

Benjamin, Edgewood

" Thank you so much for the help, I can't stress enough how amazing you have been and we will be in contact as soon as we are ready to start placing the kit order for the new academic year! "

Ed, Hulltimate

" Salut, merci pour la réponse rapide, et merci pour l'envoi PS : vos maillots France sont superbes "

Van’s, l'Everest Frisbee Club

" Maillots distribués cette semaine. Super retours des jeunes et de leurs familles. Merci encore pour la rapidité et l’aide à la conception. La suite l’année prochaine. "

Stany, Collège Sartilly

" I really appreciate the effort you put into helping us with the design, that is the main reason why we stay with your company for so long :) "

Wieland, G7

" Un grand MERCI et BRAVO à vous : tout le monde est extrêmement satisfait du design et de la qualité de votre travail! "

Lucien , Ultimate Frisbee Villeneuve Le Roi

" Just to let you know we are all loving the new kit! Thanks for all your help with getting the kit order sorted. "

Chris, St Mary's College Durham

" Nous sommes très satisfait de la qualité et du design, encore merci pour ce travail de dingue ! "

Camelia, Sharky Wave

" J'ai bien reçu le colis hier, merci beaucoup pour le bon boulot et aussi pour les cadeaux. C'est très sympa. "

Stehpen, Vintage Tournament

" Can't say how much it means to the Team to have these kits for Intervarsities and we really can't express our gratitude enough that you've pushed through this order so quickly, you've been beyond fantastic! "

Mark, Maynooth Ultimate

" Colis reçus ce matin ! OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH ! Ils sont superbes, beau boulot ! Encore bravo et merci. "

Benoit, AUC Ultimate

" Received the kit yesterday, absolutely LOVE IT!!! Thanks so much, we can't wait to wear it in action this weekend for our tournament. "

Nel, Vurve

" Les maillots sont bien arrivées et j'ai pu les récupérer pour ce WE c'est parfait. Ils sont top, ils ont fait fureur et les joueurs sont enchantés. "

Sylvain, Manges Disques

" Pour le design je n'ai rien a redemander il me plait beaucoup et il plait a l'équipe ! merci beaucoup a votre équipe pour le travail que vous avez réalisez ! "

Loic, Lycée Armand Peugeot

" We recieved a lot of positive feedback from other teams, especially for the new womans shirts. You did a great job! "

Wieland, Gänseliesel G7

" Nous vous avons commandé il y a 2 ans, des jeux de maillots. Pour info, les maillots sont toujours nickels après nombreux lavages, dive et etc. Super qualité. "

Carole, Ultimate Troopers

" Thanks for all your help this year, we couldn’t run our events or look as good on pitch, for both our college and university teams without your great kit! "

Johnny, Durham Ultimate

" Wow! Just wow! I've sent more than enough selfies to my team and they are going crazy! We can't wait to try these out this Saturday! I'll make sure to send a group photo in your direction. Thanks! "

Mathias Munk

" Un mot pour vous remercier de la rapidité et du soin apporté à l'expédition. La commande est complète, conforme, et ne présente aucun défaut de fabrication. Le club est ravi d'avoir fait affaire avec vous, et nous ne manquerons pas de vous contacter en cas d'achats futurs. "

Florian, Haut B'Gey Volant

" We received the parcel and the kits look great. Just wanted to thank you for helping us out with them, they’ve definitely been worth the wait. Looking forward to seeing the flag soon. We will be posting some pictures of our new kits on our Facebook page (Essex Blades Ultimate Frisbee) soon, and will mention how well they have turned out. "

George, Essex Blades

" I received the Sunhoodies. They are looking great! Thanks for the quick and uncomplicated communication. "

Nils, Germany U24 Open

" Sorry for the incredibly late email but we've recieved the jerseys and they look fantastic! Thank you so much for everything you've done for us and it was great working with you to make these jerseys. :) "

Mitchell, Concord College

" Hi, that's so quick! We're super excited to receive the gear and I'll be sure to get some action shots sent through! "

Simon Tapping, Derby Phantums

" Génial, merci pour les délais super rapides ! Vous avez mis moins d'un mois, c'est top. "

Pierre, Monkey

" Je tenais à vous remercier tout particulièrement pour votre rapidité d’exécution! J’ai hâte d’essayer les tenues et je ne manquerai pas de vous faire de la pub! "

Jean, Spartan Race

" The team at Force have been exceptionally helpful in working through the detail of the design, and really strove to provide us with the best possible turn around, value and service. Camden Ultimate are really impressed with the team over at Force and would strongly recommend them to any teams out there still reviewing the options. "

Phil, Camden Ultimate

" Thank you for your prompt reply. Regarding the new mockups I would say WOW!!! I love it!! "

Gustavo, Shopski OTRYAD

" We have really loved our reversible Hakuja jerseys! "

Pinja ,Hakuja PRKL

" I wish you all Merry Christmas and I'm very thankful for your nice service. Best regards. "

Nikolas, Ulmtimate

" Un grand Merci, nous avons reçu nos tenues juste à temps pour Blois. Elles sont parfaites, les shorts longs font l'unanimité ! La manchette que j'ai commandé pour mon fils était également dans le colis, Merci, il l'adore même si elle est beaucoup trop grande ! "

Gaëtane, Jack'suns

" La commande est bien reçue. Merci beaucoup ils sont magnifiques ! "

Baptiste, Spikebees Abbeville

" That’s amazing!!! Thank you so much. We are so excited to get our new stuff. Each year it has been amazing getting our kit and this year will be the same with the new fresh reversibles. I’ll get photos sent straight to you with everyone rocking the new kit. Thanks a million. "

Finn, LJMU

" Order received, everything looks good! Thanks for the smooth ordering process. "

Alex, Rotor Berlin

" Just wanted email and say thanks very much for all the hard work you guys put in to get our strips to us on time. They looked great and everyone at Windmill, organizers and players, were asking where they came from. Thanks again! "

Doug, Glasgow Ultimate

" Nous avons bien réceptionné les maillots. Tout est vraiment parfait merci beaucoup ! "

Thomas, College Maria Callas

" All the gear arrived safe and sound. I'm looking forward to making another order next year. "

Aidan, UCC Ultimate

" Thanks! Once again thoroughly impressed by the service. Outstanding. "

Chris, Birmingham Barbarians

" The kit have arrived and is very great. Thanks a lot!! "

Tobias , Roundnet Pombrothers

" Just wanted to let you know that the shirt has just arrived and I absolutely love it! Thank you so much for your help, great communication and service throughout. "

Kevin, Ewhurst

" We are delighted to have made our new team kits with Force. Their design work is absolutely brilliant and the assistance along the whole process was top-notch. They went along every single design direction we requested and made every idea look amazing. We also love the EVO2 fabric. It is super comfortable to wear, stretches nicely and feels great on the skin even in hot weather. The textile breathes and dries super quickly. I've never before felt comfortable wearing the same jersey on the second day of a tournament. Overall, I'd give Force 5/5 stars and recommend the company to any Ultimate team. "

Stoyan, Shopski Otrayad

" The kit looks great thanks! I’ll be handing them out at tomorrow’s training, I just tried on mine though and it fits fab. "

Louise, UCLAN Spinners

" Les tenues sont magnifiques. Les enfants du club étaient tous excités. Je crois qu'il ne se sont jamais entraînés avec autant d'entrain ! Merci pour tout "

Bruno, Jack'suns

" Nous avons bien reçu les tenues. Les maillots manches longues font sensation. Merci pour travail. "

Bruno, Jacksuns

" Once again, thank you so much, your design is utterly brilliant and I can't wait to order! "

Adam, Trevelyan College

" Thank you so much - the products look great, We are glad we had everything done by you! "

Monika, Ultimate Primates

" Nous avons bien reçu la commande et les articles plaisent énormément, une nouvelle commande est en cours. "

Mikaël, ATAQ Quimper

" Bien réceptionné les maillots !!! Ils sont super cooooolll, on est trop contents, merci vous avez fait du bon boulot :) "

Capucine, Mushroom Team

" Thank you for being so understanding and helpful. I personally thought the kit was brilliant and I have no doubt we will be ordering from you again. "

Rob, Irish Flying Disc Association

" Nous avons bien reçu les maillots : ils sont super !! Nous sommes très satisfaits du résultat. Merci pour votre travail de qualité. "

Benoît , Frisb'it

" I received the order yesterday and I just went through it. The red color matches really good and I checked the delivery in detail and couldn't find any shorts or shirts missing or in a wrong size, great job! "

Freek, Jetset Ultimate Club Leuven

" Just wanted to let you know that our fundraising event this weekend was a great success and we really appreciate your role in this. The donated kit was great and was a big part of our event which raised around £1500. Thank you so much for your support over the years with all the help with these events and our yearly kit orders. "

Ed, Warwick Bears

" Thanks again for everything you've done for us this past season, we still love our kit and the Force kit bags have been very useful in all of the rain we've had! "

Peter, Warwick Bears

" Hi Force, thanks for the shirts and shorts! They look awesome! "

Jasper, Flying High

" The package has just arrived, and I must admit, I'm surprised at how quick it got here. Thank you very much for everything, you and Force have done a great job. "

Mike, Boys On Trip

" Nous avons reçu les maillots et ils sont vraiment magnifiques ! Nous sommes tous très contents, merci beaucoup !! "

Marion, Roundnet Angers

" I wanted to thank you, we love the Google basketball shirts! "

Orrin, Google Sports Communities

" Un grand merci pour le taff ! Tout le monde est super content du résultat, et nous avons pu fièrement les baptiser lors des dernières phases d'indoor. "

Etienne, Eul'chtimate Lille

" We are all extremely happy and say thanks for your quick and awesome delivery! All the best form Munich. "

Matthias, Lufos

" Nous avons bien reçu le colis. Ils sont très bien ces hoodies, merci beaucoup! "

Benoit, Ultimate Frisbee Meylan

" Encore merci pour la livraison « just on time », on a pu étrenner nos nouveaux maillots fièrement en championnat, on finit 4ème de N2, et on s’apprête à les renfiler ce week-end pour le Tsunamixte ! "

Nicolas, Zérogêne

" OMG they look AWESOME!!!!! Better than I ever expected. Thank you soooo much! "

Michael-John, Montclair Ultimate

" Nos jeunes sont ravis de leur équipement! Grand merci pour le service proposé, ils sont d'ailleurs en train de lister les tenues personnalisées à vous commander. "

Sophie, AS Ambarès

" They have arrived and we love them!! The design looks awesome and the quality great too! Everyone is really happy with the look. Thank you so much for this from all the Wariwck Bears! "

Julia, Warwick University

" Ohlala la tuerie !!! *-* Juste Magique ! :D "

Kenny, Arctic Fawn

" J'ai bien été récupéré mon colis ce midi, tout est là c'est cool !!! Merci pour votre disponibilité. "

Youenn, Breizh United

" Merci pour le travail effectué et le respect du délai ! "

Jérôme, Bacus Ultimate

" Très, très beau boulot. Elles sont magnifiques. Le drapeau est très bien aussi. On vous envoie une photo d'équipe très vite. "

Marie, FlyDisc'R

" Merci beaucoup pour le délai ! Les nouveaux joueurs sont super content de pouvoir aller avec leur maillots en compétition dans quelques jours. "

Guillaume, EFD Octopush

" Thank you so much for all your help and patience with this process. This is honestly some of the best customer service I have ever received and am extremely grateful. "

Mason, Armada (USA)

" I have just received the parcel [...] I'm looking forward to opening it and giving the wonderful new kit to the club at training tomorrow! Anyway, I just wanted to drop you an email to say thank you for your help with this year's kit order. "

Eisha, Phoenix Knights

" Thank you so so much for the fast reply and the drafts you created! I must commend the excellent choice of base colors, and the accuracy of the logos you've incorporated. The cooperation sounds good with us for the first year. "

Ronja, Les Klingers

" We already ordered 2 team jerseys packages from you and we are really happy with them - great work! "

Christian, 7 Todsünden from Paderborn


Sascha, Team Staub

" THANK YOU they're perfect!! Wearing one of the colours as we speak. "

Serena, OW

" Nous avons bien reçu nos maillots, nous sommes ravis. "

Pascale, Collège Anna de Noailles

" Thank you for the update and for a speedy production! Very excited to receive the kit soon "

Kristina, Pancake Oslo

" Franchement, il est trop beau ce maillot! Un grand bravo pour ce boulot! Merci a vous pour ces délais très court. "

Loïc, CHUT

" Thanks for getting the kit to us. Everybody was over the moon with how they turned out and we got loads of comments from other teams. "

Jordan, The Shakedown

" I’m literally amazed by how well you have done with the design. It’s sheer brilliance!! The mermaid and ship looks perfect. Such a great idea. They're such good features (and she’s hot). Thank you. "

Pav, Pav’s Team Softball

" Je viens de recevoir le maillot et franchement il est canon!!! Vraiment parfait!!! Je te remercie pour la rapidité de la commande et tout le reste, et franchement, au plaisir de retravailler avec vous !!! "

Antoine, Jets

" Félicitations pour cette 1ère, rien à redire sur vos maillots, autant pour les tailles que la qualité, parfait. "

Fabrice, Trans'Hat

" Just wanted to let you know that I have received the kit and everyone really like it! And I'd like to thank you all for doing it so quickly and working with us at the beginning with all the revisions to the design, it was a pleasure doing business with you and I'll definitely recommend Force to people who are thinking about getting kit done! "

Peter, Shakesbears

" Can I just say how happy the whole team have been with our shirts! They are amazing! The fur you added such a great detail to finish the design. They have had a lot of attention from other teams, ‘best quality they’ve ever seen’ was a comment from one. "

Fiona, Softball Foxes

" We just received the flags and they look fantastic!! Thanks for all of your help! "

Kimber, Independence Ultimate

" Dear Force Sportswear Team! The shorts are amazing. We are comping in the this week the first time. We’re excited. "

Ronja, The Klingers

" Merci encore pour votre travail et de les avoir livré à temps malgré la commande tardive. Vous êtes au top. "

Chris, Dahultimate

" Just came back from holiday and look what I found!!! The jersey better in every way I imagined and definitely worth the wait! It's so nice to know that I am wearing something I designed and it's a one of a kind! And also the tee is extremely comfortable and light which is fantastic!!! I have found the company and your service in particular very helpful and it has a great reliability in quality. Once again cheers! "

Benjamin, Jam

" Thank you a lot for helping us with the design. We did not expect so much work from your side but really appreciate it! "

Wieland, Göttingen 7

" Thanks so much, you've been so helpful and we can't thank you enough! "

Ali, Thunderbears

" Et voilà comme prévu le retour du stand ! C'était incroyable. On avait littéralement le plus beau stand de la convention pleins de gens sont venus nous le dire. Et j'ai des gens qui m'ont demandé où j'avais fait les drapeaux. Franchement on avait du style de fou ! A travers les étagères on voyait plutôt pas mal le fond aussi donc ça rendait vraiment bien ! Merci encore c'était parfait de parfait. "

Quentin, Le Coin des Barons

" Received with thanks. Checked and all matches up with my spreadsheet. Thanks again. We will send a photo after our first match! "

Luke, Flying High Tilburg

" Merci à vous! Je trouve génial de pouvoir avoir un service personnalisé de la sorte. Longue vie à Force! "

Laurent, Paris

" Just letting you know we've received the kit and all seems great! Very happy with the design. Thanks for everything! "

Zach, Lincoln University Ultimate

" That's fantastic thank you so much for all your help. Top service! "

Mara, Manchester Women's Ultimate

" The kit has arrived, it is impeccable!! Thanks again for the sponsorship, great cooperation, awesome customer service and immediate support when needed. Whenever we have a chance we will put a good word out about Force Ultimate. "

Luka, Slovenian U20

" I've ordered a fair few different kits from you and always been over the moon with the result! "

Mike ,Frizee Rascals

" The shirts have arrived! We're very much looking forward to wearing them this weekend during our tournament, and we will certainly be posting a picture of our board in the longsleeves on our Insta! Thank you very much for the quick delivery! "

Krijn, BFrisBee2

" I hope you are well. Good news - the team loved the shirts! Please let me know if you have any questions and for all your hard work. Is there anywhere (or more) that I can leave a review for my extremely positive experience with you guys? "

Adam, Aries Softball

" Encore merci pour votre efficacité, je recommanderai vos services dès que j'en aurais l'occasion ! "

Nicolas, Romanian National Team

" Merci énormément !!! Super service et super efficace. A bientôt sur les bords de terrains. "

Erwin, Ah Ouh Puc

" Premier essai des maillots et ils sont top. Merci beaucoup pour le travail. "

David, Grouf

" En vous remerciant pour tout ce travail ! Tout le monde est ravi des nouveaux maillots. "

Alexandre, Toulouse Ultimate

" Colis bien reçu, vous êtes au top merci beaucoup ! Ils sont magnifiques "

Baptiste, No Pressure

" Just to say a massive thank you for our latest batch of Force kit! I'll be back in contact in a year or so when I find another excuse to have a fun design! Thanks for all your help :) "

Serena, OW

" Merci du travail c’est ouf "

Paul, Roundnet Angers